GB Whatsapp Channels

In the world of messaging, GB WhatsApp is at the top, and it is the best alternative to original WhatsApp. The main reason for its popularity is its advanced features which make communicating with each other so easy. In its features, the GB Whatsapp channels have gained high popularity. It is an excellent tool for staying connected and sharing information quickly.

GB Whatsapp Channel

What is GB Whatsapp Channel?

GB Whatsapp channel has a function similar to Telegram. This feature was not launched in the old versions, but it was added to this app in the last update. With this feature, users can share messages with a large audience. The admin mainly uses it to send notifications, updates, and business news to his channel.

Features of GB Whatsapp Channels

GB Whatsapp Channels is a new feature added in the latest update, making communication easier. The additional features of the channels are given below:


One-way-communication feature

The first feature of the channel is one-way communication. Only the admin can share messages, updates, and media files in this feature. The followers cannot reply or comment on the channel.

Wide Reach

Wide Reach feature

Channels can accommodate many subscribers, making them the best tool for broadcasting important updates, information, and business ideas to others.

Enhanced customization

Enhanced customization feature

Channels enable you to customize options for your channel, such as changing the angled background and editing the edit channel, names, and more.

Privacy control

Privacy control feature

The channel’s admin controls privacy settings to hide your message from any follower. The channel maintains clean communication, mainly focused on the data that the admin shares.

How to join a GB Whatsapp channel?

If you want to join a channel, then follow these steps:

1. Open GB Whatsapp and click on the updates tab. Here, you will find some WhatsApp channels. Then you will see channels. If you want to see more channels, then click on explore more.

gb whatsapp channel

2.If you’re going to see your favorite channel, click on the search bar and type the channel name.Click on it to see new channel notifications by clicking on the follow button in the top right corner.

GB Whatsapp Channel

How to create a GB Whatsapp Channel?

An opportunity is also available for users of GB Whatsapp to create their channel by following these steps:


Open GB Whatsapp and click on the update tab.

GB Whatsapp Channel
GB Whatsapp Channel


Click on the three dots in the top right corner.


Then tap on Create Channel and click on Continue. Enter your channel name and description, and create the channel.

GB Whatsapp Channel
GB Whatsapp Channel
GB Whatsapp Channel

How to share the GB Whatsapp Channel with others?

The step to share your channel with others is so easy:

  • Open the GBWhatsapp channels and select the channel, then click on three dots.
  • Here, you will see a share button that allows you to share your channel through other apps or by sending its URL to others.


You get subscribers by sharing your channel link and QR code on other social media apps and websites.

No, it is designed for one-way communication.

Yes, notifications and updates are hidden from any user.


Channels are an excellent tool for staying connected and sharing information quickly. It offers to send updates to others rapidly. It Channel is a valuable platform for building communities and keeping everyone informed.

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